Thursday, January 28, 2010

the state of DADT

you're commander-in-chief, mr. president--if you really wanted to end DADT, you could suspend it tomorrow by executive order pending congressional review, and that would pretty much be that.

[but then you'd have to take the heat of the buck actually stopping where it's supposed to, and like that's ever gonna happen on your watch.]

once again, for all of you who still think what these assholes say is more important than what they actually do, here's yet another case in point to the contrary.


correction (maybe): ok, so it looks as if hopey might actually follow through after all, but i still think my way woulda been more fun. whatever--least i got a chance to hone my drunk-photoshop skillz.


toddx said...

I loved the picture--no matter what happens.

mkf said...

thanks, todd--i kinda liked it too.

Will said...

Still, I'll believe it when it actually happens. He's still better than the Republicans but he remains a disappointment for me - in several areas.

mkf said...

will: sadly, he hasn't disappointed me in the least--he's exactly the sorta president i knew he'd be. [oh, and i lifted my soldier's duct tape and face paint from your blog--i figured cindy wouldn't mind]