Friday, October 23, 2009

he's not available? whatever--get the other one

i've watched this clip a dozen times, and it just gets better and better.

h/t to v

update: even though i've been watching this clip all day, msnbc suddenly chooses to take it down five minutes after i publish a blogpost in which it is prominently featured. fine, whatever--i'm nothing if not adaptable. you assholes wanna make me create a re-enactment, i'm more than up to the task:

the clip opens with some anonymous msnbc news-chick

stating the following:

joining me now to talk about this--the nation's real problem of joblessness--the reverend al sharpton.

[cut to the following split screen]

the clueless anchor continues:

what's your reaction to hearing someone say, "you know, when it comes to income inequality, all's well--the rising tide floats all boats?"

[cut to the following shot, and the following priceless exchange]

uh, i'm reverend jesse jackson.

at which point the flustered anchor falls all over herself saying,

right--you know, i'm so sorry, the script in front of me said "the reverend al sharpton"--i'm looking at your face and i know you're reverend jackson--we all do--i'm sorry...

at which point the right reverend starts into his canned spiel and the clip mercifully ends.

trust me, it was funny as hell.

update #2: apparently the clip's back up, if only for the moment. whatever--i'm leaving my re-enactment in place, in case it disappears again.

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