Monday, November 2, 2009

and i'll bet that ribbon around the kid's neck holds a first-prize medal

nothing new here, but the pure, complacent idiocy of this photograph and everything it implies just so completely annoyed the fuck outta me i had to post it.


Anonymous said...


Hubbard said...

Are we sure that isn't a photoshop parody? Man-on-horse and 3 ways in a kid's science fair experiment? I smell shenanigans.

mkf said...

upon sober reflection (and close inspection), you may be right, hubbard--but it seemed sufficiently in-line with the sorta stuff i've seen coming out of the fundamentalist educational system over the past 20 or so years that it didn't move the needle on my bullshit detector even the slightest.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that a kid of this enormous intelligence was not home schooled.

Will said...

Hubbard and MFK--the information on her (his?) display is thoroughly consistent with the "science" on display at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY. The little dear has done his (her?) research thoroughly although very narrowly.

Was it photoshopped? I clicked to increase the size. Us visual types always look for the shadows. The shadows on the grout of the wall tiles indicate light coming in from the right. Shadows on the display (the left panel is slightly darker than the one on the right) and on our little scientist's face indicate light coming from the left.
Draw your own conclusions.