Saturday, August 1, 2009

oh, for christ's sweet sake

have you seen this story?

seems our glorious leader has decided--in the interests of avoiding even the merest appearance of impropriety or conflict of interest, you understand--to start charging guests at the white house for their meals.

and i can totally see his point--i mean, you give a few captains of industry some government largesse on the scale of a free chicken sandwich, a glass of iced tea and a cookie stamped with the presidential seal, it could look pretty bad.

[whereas the fact that his re-election committee will no doubt hit those same captains of industry up for thousands of dollars in campaign contributions for his 2012 run--why, there's no conflict of interest there; that's just politics as usual, right?

yeah, right.]

the thing about this small-minded, petty idiocy that bothers me the most (aside from its classless tackiness, of course) is the cynical assumption that the american people are so stupid as to be swayed by such charades as this.

on second thought, that's not the thing that bothers me the most--what really scares me is the thought that this isn't the cynical ploy that it appears, and that barack actually believes his own bullshit.

because that's just what we need right now--another carter.

[note: this was just a little test-rant--you know, see how well i handle indignation sober]


Unknown said...

The sad thing is that he probably did not want to do it, but if he hadn't, the right wing nut jobs would have been all over it like flies on shit... because if any of those companies even thought about asking the govt for money, it would have been linked to that meeting... blah blah blech! I think if the President invites you to lunch, the least he could do is pick up the tab... jeeeeze...

noblesavage said...

I would not charge you for an invitation to dinner at my house. But, I fail to see how it is anything more than tacky.

mkf said...

kelly: i can't imagine even his harshest critics coming down on him for the time-honored tradition of showing simple hospitality to guests at the white house--because god knows there are far more serious things to go after him for.

noblesavage: it's a cheap display of phony, showy piety of the sort that pissed me off when i was a kid in church watching some of the worst people i knew ostentatiously praying to jesus with tears running down their faces, and it pisses me off just as severely today. it's the sorta thing con-men do to try to throw their marks off the scent.

WAT said...

Don't blame me, I didn't vote for Obama.

That white cop though is a hottie! LOL!