Thursday, June 11, 2009

funny, it seems like yesterday


or two lifetimes ago, depending on what day you ask me.

[and yeah, the above "happy graduation" face would pretty much carry me through the next five years.]


WAT said...

That was you? Well my my, what a cute boy. Does time really fly by THAT quickly?


judi said...

are you drinking burnt orange alcohol?!??!!?!?!

(and no, i wouldn't be particularly surprised. burnt orange is a way of life here, and has crept into my wardrobe with alarming speed.)

happy anniversary?

ps: does cedar fever season ever really end?

noblesavage said...

Judi: that ugly orange and the bats under the bridge are just some of the local flavor of Austin.

As for mkf, I take it you will not be attending your 25th reunion. Time flies when you're having fun.

mkf said...

wat: yeah, it does, baby--use it or lose it.

judi and noblesavage: the older i get, the more beautiful burnt orange becomes.

and as for the cedar fever--sorry, sweetheart, it never goes away.