Thursday, March 12, 2009

if she wants it, it's a baby; if she doesn't, it's not

with those twelve words, laura schlessinger many years ago distilled (for me, anyway) the situational ethics of the pro-choice side of the "where does life begin?" debate to its essence.

what else is there to say, really?

[this brought on by a post (and my resultant comment) over at federalist paupers re barack's recent stem-cell pronouncement (and yeah, unlike most pro-choicers i actually recognize the moral ambiguity of my position)]


Anonymous said...

dr. laura's a cunt. what about the women who give their babies up for adoption?

what happens when a pro-lifer's daughter gets knocked up by a rapist? is there an exception to the rule then? And if the answer's yes, doesn't that make one pro-choice?

i'm sure there's a point in there somewhere. leave me alone. it's the vicodin talking.

mkf said...

judi: like i said, i'm pro-choice.

and now that i've opened the door, there'll be more about dr. laura in the future.