Monday, July 14, 2008

i meant to post this last week, but there's only so much stupid i can keep in my head at any one time

[besides, photoshopping of this quality doesn't just happen overnight]

god knows by now i've seen so many m4m ads by "hiv-" and "std free" bareback bottoms demanding similar stats from the random strangers they invite over to ejaculate inside 'em that i barely even blink anymore; it was the exquisitely unintentional irony of this one that put it over the top and into a class of its own.


LMB said...

Wow - then there are more self loathing, self destructives manic depressed psychotics other than myself in this world - and a web site that hosts them?!

Life is a kicker, ain't it?

mkf said...

luis: perhaps you could start writing their ads for 'em--the utter banality of their self-destructiveness is really starting to bore me.

Anonymous said...

So, guttermorality, you fail to answer the most important question:

Did you go over and do him?

mkf said...

noblesavage: too many red flags there even for me ;)