Friday, July 1, 2011

i know i'll regret this later

but in the here and now (i.e., basking in the warm, benevolent glow of my first mkf cocktail in well over a week), the idea of publicly committing to the production of no less than one blogpost a day during the upcoming month of july suddenly seems like a damned fine idea.

and i'm not gonna let the fact that even back in this blog's drunken heyday i never even approached such prolific output deter me from my new goal for even a second.

[having said all that, i totally reserve the right to resort to youtube videos and cute puppy photos if i have to.]


Will said...

YouTube videos, fine. Might I suggest the work of favorite architects in place of the puppies?

mkf said...

will: not a bad idea--in fact, maybe i'll use the month to explore favorite things in general.