Saturday, February 14, 2009

mkf revealed (sort of)

[it hadn't occurred to me to post this until just now, seeing as how i have this ultra-important secret identity to protect and all, but then tonight i was looking at it whilst sipping my first vodka/7 in over a week and i figured, what the fuck--i haven't posted in ages and this one's an easy slam-dunk]

my guy v surprised me with the following image last week--it's an obamization of a recently-discovered passport photo from my long-ago past that i'd forgotten i'd even sent him.

two things come to mind when i look at it:

1) i obamicize nicely (or at least i did back then); and

2) all that ripe, juicy hotness gone to waste in 1978 (because trust me, back then i wasn't fucking anybody, and wouldn't for many years to come*).

*probably explains why i'm still alive, but still...