Saturday, November 14, 2009

would you drop your pants for this guy?

no? then obviously you're not straight.

while i thank whatever god there might be that my personal interest in unavailable straight guys lasted only for about as long as it took me to figure out there were all kinds of perfectly-acceptable homogays out there who were more than happy to get naked with me, that fact in no way discounts--as has been mentioned previously--my fascination with the intricate machinations employed by shlubs like jeffrey graybill in order to get into the pants of clueless straight guys.

this guy's shtick? he'd post ads on craigslist posing as a fertility doctor looking for sperm donors and offering the lucky recipients $4,000 for their goods if they met his rigorous standards. needless to say, he found lots of willing idiots--as many as 40, they think--before he got caught.

my favorite quote from the various news sources i've perused concerning this story would be the following:

He would collect semen, urine and blood samples from victims before touching the men inappropriately during hernia and testicular examinations, according to police.

i mean, jesus god--how many stupid straight guys are out there, anyway?

[never mind--total rhetorical question]


Will said...

I was so happy to see the final disclaimer--I was beginning to worry, but the good old mkf came through.

noblesavage said...

$4000 per sample of my sperm? Wow, where do I go sign up? What do I have to do? Sure, you can collect samples. You want me to jack off right in front of you? Well, I'm not sure about that. How much was that you would pay me again? $4000? Well, I guess since you are a doctor and all...

mkf said...

will: as one of the few good, respectable liberal gays left who appreciate the good old mkf, i thank you.

noblesavage: you pretty much nailed the thought process--tell me, have you done this much?