Monday, May 12, 2008

canyon view

weirdest damn thing happened last night--and it carried on into today.

as i may (or may not) have mentioned, i work wednesday through sunday, so as everyone else's weekend is winding down, mine is just kicking off. so i got home last night, ready to start my weekend as usual (i.e., haul out the vodka), but decided to lay down for a minute first. next thing i know, bam! sun's pouring in, birds are chirping--my little fifteen-minute disco nap had turned into a serious all-nighter.

at first i felt more than a little cheated, because sunday nights are sacred here in guttermoralityland. sunday nights are when i do some of my most productive drunk-emailing and -commenting--i have a public to alienate, goddammit, and i take that responsibility seriously.

so i can't tell you how strange it felt to find myself rising and shining, sober and refreshed, at just about the same time that, had the evening taken its normal course, i would have been staggering off to bed.

so here i am, a whole day stretching out in front of me, and i have not the slightest idea what to do with it (hell, i don't even have the usual morning-after apologies to keep me occupied).

because, drunk or not, i never get up anywhere near this early--ever; i am not, nor have i ever been, a morning person. the first two hours of any day are always, for me, the worst--it's when i'm at my most depressed, and i generally put off facing the misery of awakening as long as possible.

but today, for some reason, i woke up feeling . . . well, if not good, then at least not awful.

so, finding myself with this abundance of time in the morning, i did something else i never do--i threw open all the curtains and made breakfast.

and, standing here in my living room in my little pocket of the world--a calm, cool oasis in the midst of a big city--sipping my protein shake and looking outward with fresh eyes, i was reminded once more of why i live where i live in this city, how lucky i am to live here, and how oblivious i am of its beauty most of the time.

i was even moved to take a couple pictures, because i wanna remember this feeling (why i'm writing this goddam blog, right?).

here's a shot from my living room (you can click to enlarge if you want--and no, that's not some weird telephoto effect; the house across the street really is that close):

and one from the kitchen:

they say that the world gives itself to those who get up at six, and i can't help but think that might be true--you really do see things differently then.

now, don't get me wrong--i'm not saying that i'm turning over a new leaf and this is the start of a new trend or anything--trust me, this was a total aberration and it'll be back to darkness as usual around here in no time.

but it was weird, living almost like a normal person for almost a whole day.


Anonymous said...

It's amazing the clarity that comes with these random little 'hiccups' of normalcy. They're just little reminders of how much you have it good, as opposed to how much you have it bad..

Jeez, i should listen to my own fuckin' advice for once, right?!..

mkf said...

yhm: yes, you should. but the thing is, natural optimist that you are, you always sooner or later revert to counting your blessings automatically. and i, for one, am glad you do.

Anonymous said...

Can I come live with you?

Anonymous said...

Well, today is a new day and I'm just guessing that you got up closer to noon than 6 a.m. today.

One day of normalcy could become a relatively good life. The key is persistence. My German side is very partial to discipline.

mkf said...

judi: here's the thing--the best view of my fixer-upper house is the one looking out of it. i turn the camera even a little bit either way, the view becomes a lot less appealing (unless, of course, you're nostalgic for your childhood in appalachia).

noblesavage: ah, you know me well.

Anonymous said...

Childhood where? I grew up in the extreme flatlands of S. Florida--the view of leathery tanned old people skin and orange lipstick sticks in my mind.

I'd sit in front of that window all day. Kinda like a statue.