Wednesday, May 28, 2008

because it came up tonight (but it probably should've been my very first post)

from my reply to a friend whose recent IML experience was apparently somewhat less than stellar:

i'm one of those people who believes, based on lots of field experience, that fewer and fewer gay men are actually getting any true enjoyment from their sexuality anymore; as a consequence of all this "freedom" we've granted ourselves, over time it's almost impossible not to become overstimulated, oversaturated and thus ruined in some fundamental way. this is the basic axiom of guttermorality, btw; its first corollary being "piss is the new cum" (since most everybody can still manage that).

yeah, just call me the new larry kramer--without the originality, the audience or the passion.

or, for that matter, the talent.


Chox said...

It appears you and I have a lot more in common than I originally suspected.

Will said...

Oh, dear---I guess I'm very retro or perhaps even a dinosaur. I'm still consumed by lust if I see a guy from one of my twenty three or so "types", even if I'm just on the way out of my fuck buddy's place after a debauched afternoon. I love both fucking and being fucked--it's never gotten stale for me.

As to piss, it's for the urinal; cum is for the mouth and the ass, thank you very much!

Anonymous said...

Is raunch retro? I guess that may be the conclusion of guttermorality.

I suspect one of the problems with your field research is that, having done so much of it, you are the one who is overstimulated.

Love can still be around with two guys who like each other and enjoy time spent together. Just as lust can certainly be present in the right set of gay circumstances.

I do think the younger set (meaning anyone younger than me) acts differently. Most young gay men want relationships and kids and a white picket fence (see my extensive commentary on this subject elsewhere).

Freedom made gay sex boring and less spectacularly taboo. As a result, it is a lot less interesting to the participants and to the observers.

And, guttermorality, you sell yourself short: You have at least as much talent as Larry Kramer. That's basically saying you a whiny bitchy queen who once every 20 years writes a play about other whiny bitchy queens.

Now Mart Crowley...that's talent.

mkf said...

chox: that's the nicest thing anybody's said to me all week.

will: I’ve made many visits to your blog over the years, and based on what I’ve seen there of you and the life you and your partner have made, i'd be willing to bet that your lack of jadedness in the sex department is the cumulative result of far more wise choices than bad.

noblesavage: (a) i don't think it's just me; (b) i've always figured that the first generation of gay men who were raised in a world where they could openly and fearlessly work through all this shit during their actual childhood (as opposed to their second one like the rest of us) would turn this whole trend around--maybe that's what's happening; (c) faggots was a great book--as prescient as it was darkly entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Yeah.. i strongly disagree with the last sentence..

Anonymous said...

I suppose that's one way having not much sex is better than too much?

Meh... I'd still rather have too much. But that's a grass is greener thing for me.

mkf said...

yhm: you're biased, but thanks ;)

atari: you could have as much sex as you want--as long as you were willing, like so many out there, to settle for whatever you could dredge up on craigslist or manhunt on any given night. the fact that you don't go that route is probably why--even though they might not occur with the frequency you'd like--you still genuinely enjoy the encounters you do have.

i have more to say about this--stay tuned.