Thursday, January 24, 2008

why you should be scared shitless (part 2)

so there they sit, united in purpose: the three most powerful politicians in the land. thank god that, when the need for drastic and immediate economic action presented itself, they were able to put their differences aside and, in a show of true bipartisan statesmanship, pull together for the good of the country.

ok, i almost gagged writing that paragraph--nobody's actually buying this line of crap, are they?

as i sit here watching footage of these clowns congratulating themselves, i'm shaking my head and asking, "don't they know that there is no such thing as a quick, painless fix to this situation?"

and the answer is: of course they know--they just don't care.

they all know this "fix" is pure bullshit--hell, it's just piling on more debt that we'll have to dig ourselves out of later--but these are people who don't give a rat's ass about the long term. all they care about--all any politician cares about--is preserving the illusion of prosperity while they themselves are in office. whatever happens afterwards? hey, that's the next guy's problem.

see, this is one of the biggest pitfalls in any elective democracy: real, long-term solutions to problems almost always require short-term pain (in this case, letting the market self-correct and the greedy and foolish take their lumps). and no self-respecting politician would dare suggest such a thing--much less, god forbid, actually let it happen--for fear they and/or their party would be blamed and run out of office on a rail come next election. so instead, while the problem itself continues to grow and fester, we get nothing but a continual stream of band-aids--like, for instance, this little "economic stimulus package."

and, while i've watched many such band-aids come and go, you wanna know the thing that really gets me about this one? it's the fact that they, the stewards of our great republic, are desperately urging the beneficiaries of this sudden little windfall--people who are already over-extended and awash in debt--not to wait until may for their magic checks to arrive, but to get out there and spend it now.

and for those of you who still think that "your" party is really better than the other, i ask you to study closely this latest evidence to the contrary--to see how quickly and effortlessly the gambinos and corleones joined together when it looked as if their collective interests might really be threatened--and, once again, sold your tomorrow down the river just so they'd all look good today.

christ, i can't be the only one who sees this, can i?


Anonymous said...

The more I read this the more I know why I would vote for Ron Paul .

We need someone like FDR or Reagan who really have a plan to dynamically change the system .

mkf said...

interesting comment, seeing as how it was reagan's passion for deregulation that stripped away all of the safegards which, had they been left in place, would've probably prevented this present-day fiasco from being allowed to happen in the first place.

and ron paul's solutions to this mess would most likely be draconian to a degree that would preclude any possibility of a soft landing--which, while it might be what we need in the long run, would probably end america's role as any kind of superpower in the short term.

and fdr? hey, if you really want the socialistic approach to the problem, pull for obama!

Anonymous said...

De-Regulation is what the country needed at that point and it worked profusely . It was abused in the years that followed and not backed up by a foreign and immigration policy that would have kept it in place .

As for voting for obama for socialist policies ; I mentioned FDR because he was a man with a vision . Obama represents nigger socialism . AKA dumb socialism .