Tuesday, January 22, 2008

i'm getting sick of the clintons

now, this was inevitable as far as hillary is concerned; her politics aside, anything more than small doses of her nails-on-chalkboard voice (and, god help us all, that laugh) is enough to send me scrambling for the remote as it is--but damn, i never thought i'd tire of bill.

until, that is, he started campaigning for his wife and it quickly became apparent that what should've been her greatest asset would instead prove to be yet one more liability.

first, the narcissism: bill, turns out, is pretty much incapable of deferring his alpha-dog status to hillary for even the length of time it takes to deliver one speech--it may start out about her but, more often than not, it ends up all about him.

but the other, bigger deal is his tendency to, as barack obama so tactfully puts it, "make statements that are not supported by the facts."

i mean, say what you want about bill--and there's lots of good to be said--no one's ever accused him of being a straight shooter; with him, it's always been about playing the angles, parsing the truth, or saying and doing whatever he has to say or do to win. and, let's face it--it's always served him well in the past.

but this time around, i think it's starting to wear thin with a lot of people--especially as regards his/their treatment of obama.

and obama is getting his trial by fire--he's never been up against anything like the clinton machine before. it'll be interesting to see if he's got what it takes to derail it.


Anonymous said...

hey guttermorality....I noticed your comments about Bill were blatantly redone by Dana Milbank in the Washington Post one day later.

Are you going to go after the Post for taking your ideas?

What an outrage!!!

mkf said...

oh, i'm far from the only one saying these things about the clintons. but thanks for pointing me to milbank's column. his examples of bill's turning every question about hillary to an answer about himself gave me my laugh for the day.