Sunday, February 24, 2013

mkf offers a couple helpful hints

while this blog garners few comments, i do get emails--boy, do i get emails.  which is somewhat understandable since, judging from their tone, the majority of these emails come from folks who wouldn't be caught dead publicly commenting on a blog such as mine.

said emails fall roughly into three categories:  the ones condemning me to gay hell for taking exception to my politics; the ones accusing me of making shit up (as if, were anyone to take the time and trouble to construct the elaborate fantasy life of which i am so often accused, it would be this one); and, last but not least--and the subject of this post--the ones from closet fans asking for help in transforming their sad, sexless middle-aged selves into perpetually priapic love machines like the mysterious mkf.


it's not that i don't wanna help other men achieve this exalted plane from which i gaze down upon you mere mortals, it's more like i honestly dunno how much help i can be.  because, you gotta understand, i'm very different in some key respects from most men you'll come across.

see, most men--and, i mean, throughout history, and regardless of the degree of wealth, power, talent, intellect, accomplishment or romantic prowess to which they might lay claim--seem incapable of escaping obsession with their shortcomings in at least one (and usually more) of the following areas:

  • baldness
  • penis size
  • body dysmorphia
  • loss of vitality and virility with age

and, while i wish i could say i relate (oh who am i kidding; no, i don't), here's how mkf deals with each of the above manly existential crises:

baldness:  the realization i was losing it roughly and, for a minute, happily coincided with the introduction of rogaine to the market--until, after a quick calculation revealed to my then-broke ass that it would be either rogaine or cable, it was really no contest.  because like going bald should be my biggest goddam problem.

penis size:  what can i say--other than a regrettable early surgical choice in which i had no say, i wouldn't change a goddam thing.

body dysmorphia:  i gaze, naked, into the mirror at my doughy face, sagging posture, pasty skin and childbearing hips, and say to myself, "damn, you've got a big dick."

loss of vitality and virility with age:  again, what can i say--use it or lose it, motherfuckers.

but fuck most men--let's get back to gay men.  because, in addition to the above, so many of our little tribe seem condemned to eventually and inevitably face a special hell reserved only for us; namely, loneliness, isolation and sexual starvation once we've passed our prime.

and, again, i dunno how much help i can be in this regard, because staving off this inevitability seems to come naturally to me (so far), but if you're one of those who really wants to extend your dumbass adolescence into middle age, then i'll do my best to give you some pointers.

next time.

[sorry, got too chatty, lost the point and ran outta steam.  been happening a lot lately.]


Will said...

We share the birthing hips. The era of pleated trouser fronts was really ugly for me.

noblesavage said...

You know, a recent trip to Palm Springs has shown me pretty obvious: It's a bitch getting older. And a lot of older gay men would trade their lives in a heartbeat for the exploits of guttermorality.

Personally, I don't get it. But then as you may remember, I never have. Yes, noblesavage has been somewhat just a little judgmental of guttermorality since the inception of the guttermorality lifestyle -- which started roughly upon your move into the the Crescent Heights palace of all things Texan.

But, then I went to Palm Springs. I can tell you from first hand observation (as painful as it was): there are a lot of lonely gay men over 50. It's not that they want to be guttermorality every day. Just on Saturday nights. The sex drive has slowed down, but it's not dead. And your typical fella looks in the mirror and sees a man he would not have sex with.

I have to say that, well, that was a bit of an eye opener. I saw my future and it is not a pretty sight.

On the other hand, I have also been with several friends who are 50+ and are just thriving in ways they were not when they were younger. My friend Jim is approaching 70 and, I suspect, would not trade a minute of his very active life now for anything before 55 or so.

The other thing that guttermorality forgot to mention is that a few of my 50+ friends have no problem getting the hottest sex they want, when they want it, and exactly who they want. They just have to pay for it.

mkf said...

will: true dat. and i never tuck anything in unless i have to.

noblesavage: i've said it before and i'll say it again: why any unpartnered gay man who ever hopes to get laid again would even think of isolating himself in that sun-drenched mausoleum, i will never understand.

and i haven't forgotten to mention a goddam thing--wait for part two (and maybe even three).

Anonymous said...

I came out of the closet with this notion that I had a small dick. Then I got some clarity in my moments of self-discovery when I started whoring around at the Tom Kat Theatre (back to its original name "The Pussycat"). Reaching around to the seat next to me, I learned the true meaning of a small cock. And there were lots of 'em. They were sticky with tiny squirrel nuts.

And ya. Everybody gets old. Gay men carry on about age like straight men have it made in their old age. They don't.

Pay, pay be on your way.


mkf said...

anonymous: you know, i've never really understood the gay obsession with dick size, because it's about the last thing i look at when evaluating a guy's attractiveness. apparently i'm in the minority in that regard.

and when talk about mine here, it's not because i'm bragging, but more by way of explaining my otherwise inexplicable appeal.

Anonymous said...

I hate size queens.
But LOVE their boyfriends.

Anonymous said...

Been reading you for a couple months now, and been thinking of this post for a couple weeks. I almost emailed you, but you mentioned that everybody emails. What the hell, I'll leave a comment.

So I'm a closeted, married 35yo gay guy. I'm bald, have a smallish cock, and have a bit of a gut, although I'm in reasonably good shape. On the plus side, I have no problem keeping it up.

My problem is not how to get more sex. I have plenty of great sex, (although I'm sure I don't live up to mkf's standards). My problem is that I'm sort of at a cross-roads. Something has to give. I have to either quit the gay sex thing and become the guy that my family thinks I am, if that's possible. Or I have to be honest, which will be a shitstorm.

I'm not looking for sympathy or condemnation. It is what it is. My question is, whether there is a real possibility for something good after the shitstorm dies down.

In ten years when I have trouble keeping it up and I'm still bald with a smallish cock, it seems like the odds are pretty good that I'll be one of those weird, lonely, gay guys that will pretty much do anything for sex. If that's true then it might be better to cut out the gay sex. I might be horny , but I don't think I'll be lonely.

mkf said...

mitch: first, thanks for reading.

second, i kinda wish you had emailed me, because that way i coulda asked you some questions. but since you didn't, i'll work with what i got.

in general, i encourage every LGT person to work toward the goal of coming out, because the strain of living a life divided does bad things to people; it sure did to me. but your being married complicates things. of course, if your marriage is loveless and childless, the above advice would apply.

but if that's not the case--if there is love there, and/or especially if there are kids involved--then it's not just about you anymore, and under those circumstances i wouldn't dream of presuming to tell you what to do.

but as you weigh the decision whether or not to face the shitstorm, you should ask yourself what you hope to achieve if you do come out. is gay life for you, as you seem to imply, simply about hooking up with guys? because if that's the case, then you're right--in ten or so years, chances are good you'll end up a lonely benchwarmer, wondering why you threw your straight life away. you sure wouldn't be the first.

if on the other hand you think that (once you were out and thus able to openly pursue such a thing) you might be able to achieve the sorta intimacy with a man that you never felt with a woman, and narrow your options down to one guy you could make a life with, then it might be worth the shitstorm after all.

that make any sense?

Anonymous said...

My marriage is neither loveless nor childless, which is most of the reason that something's got to give. Now, I literally live "a life divided" -- two lives, one trying to be the perfect husband/dad, the other obsessed with the next big cock. And you are right, it's a huge strain.

What I want to do is kill Mr. Hyde and be Dr. Jekyll full time. Is that even possible? Probably not. Is there a way to be authentic without killing one or the other? I can't figure it out.

And no matter what happens, I'll never commit to a monogamous relationship again. From my current failure in sexual monogamy, I know it's not for me.

But at the same time I don't think coming out would only be about sex for me. An emotionally intimate relationship seems possible. Am I kidding myself? Do open relationships ever work out?

I think I need a therapist, but the internet will have to do for now.