Saturday, January 12, 2013

hard out there for a ho (part 1)

i see a story like this, and i take it as a reminder from the universe (as if i need another one) why, although the shopping's been fun, the lights are flickering and i really should make my final selection and proceed to the checkout.

by now, of course, everybody knows this shit's getting serious--we ho's of weho today can't claim the ignorance of that first wave of casualties mowed down by that then-novel STD-to-end-all-STD's.  as much as the activists would prefer to perpetuate the air of tragic romanticism with which they've fairly successfully surrounded HIV, the hard truth is, contracting that shit's almost purely behavioral among gay men today.  and now, apparently, we're presented with an even harder truth:  even safety-conscious fags out there may damn well have one more lethal, irrevocable STD to worry about--and one far easier to catch.

i have an old friend i met when he was just coming out fresh outta grad school, and in the twenty years since, and no matter how many men he's slept with, he has never, not once, put a dick in his mouth that wasn't sheathed in latex.  in other words, he's the only non-monogamous fag i've ever met who doesn't have to worry much about this latest threat.

so what do we say about those unregenerate ho's who ignore the flashing detour signs and drive off the cliff?  some exhibit compassion, while others say they knew the risks, they asked for it, and they have no one to blame but themselves.  whichever reaction you might favor, gentle readers, it would seem the universe tends to come down fairly hard on the side of the latter.

of course, the hazards of being a happy ho go far beyond those sexually transmitted, and maybe it's time we talked about some of 'em.  up to now it's all been fun and games here in guttermoralityland, but i'll try and change that up a little in part 2 of this post.


Will said...

Would I be correct in speculating that your friend has had to go without on a number of occasions because some guys would simply refuse to consider a blow job with a condom on?

noblesavage said...

So, does this mean you are going to settle down with that one true love?