Tuesday, August 14, 2012

i'm almost ready to campaign for romney just to spite these assholes

i used to sleep at night secure in the knowledge that the george w. bush administration was and would forever be the most inept and incompetent of my lifetime--until these clowns came along.

the fact that this "transcendent", "post-racial" president and the loutish, race- and class-baiting buffoon pictured above are even in the running for a second shot at offices for which they have proven eminently unqualified speaks far more to the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the opposition party and the country at large than to anything they themselves might have accomplished.

and since they have nothing to run on in the way of accomplishments--hell, have in fact fucked up everything they've touched--they and their cronies have opted to descend to the sort of baseless smears against their opponents that make willie horton and swift-boating--you know, the sorta stuff that the left screamed about when it was turned on their guys--seem like child's play by comparison.

there are all sorts of reasons to oppose a romney presidency, but these guys can't fight on an honest, above-board level for fear of highlighting their own laughable record, so it's into the gutter instead--stir up the rabble, throw out libelous charges at random and incite race and class resentment

really, joe?  how many of the big donorsbanks has your justice department gone after?  how about zero?

in the desperate hope that something--anything--sticks, and to hell with the effect that such a campaign will have on the country they swore to preserve, protect and defend.

my advice to mitt:  fire your clueless advisors, take off the white gloves and go pull karl rove outta mothballs--and while you're at it, channel the ghost of lee atwater.  you're gonna need 'em both.

1 comment:

noblesavage said...

Of course I can understand your outrage. What I don't understand is your attempts to frame Obama without assessing the wildly inaccurate claims made by the Romney campaign -- including that Obama engages in "crony capitalism"; Romney's claims about Obamacare (while ignoring Romenycare); and Romney's claims around Obama's energy policy and green jobs.

The truth of the matter is that for the first time in my memory, Democrats are engaging in just as tough a campaign as Republicans always have been.

Romney told his primary opponents when he and his Super-PAC showered millions of dollars worth of misleading campaign ads "If you can't stand the heat...." So, it is particularly ironic to see the Romney campaign whining about this.