Wednesday, May 2, 2012

why i'm sitting this one out

in 2008, guttermorality began life as a political blog, and i published dozens of posts during that year leading up to the election, operating as i then did under the delusion that such things still mattered.

no more.

amuse yourselves if you wish with this year's diversion, and argue endlessly over contraception and gay marriage and how best to get the economy moving again (or whatever other straw men they throw out there for you to squabble over), and why your guy is a better servant of the people than the other guy. knock yourselves out.

me?  i'll continue doing what i've been doing since my eyes opened--trying to figure out the real game, and hiding what little non-paper wealth i have in safe places.



noblesavage said...

Elections matter.

You don't have to agree with politicians all of the time. But, as Newt Gingrich stated yesterday as he was saying goodbye to a what-might-have-been campaign: Compare Mitt Romney to Barack Obama.

Is there any doubt that Romney would run things fundamentally different than Obama would?

Are either true radicals? No. But that does not mean there are no differences.

mkf said...

of course there are differences.

there are, of course, superficial political differences--each must pander to a very different base.

and there are temperamental differences as well. obama's overheard aside to the russian ("after the election, i'll have more flexibility") reminds those who are paying attention that, once into his second term and thus bulletproof, this inept, dangerous man will emerge from his tight little cocoon in all his narcissistic glory, and god only knows what havoc he will wreak.

and romney's recent hiring and then quick abandonment of the gay advisor reminds us of what he's made of as well. if elected, whatever his puppet-masters want--war, more "nation-building", social draconianism--he will give them.

i will vote this november, but what i won't do is engage in the ridiculous debate as to which of these characters is best suited to lead america out of its dark times. because, when it comes down to it, they're both owned by the big money, and couldn't give a damn about america--much less, you and me.