Saturday, January 21, 2012

raising a puppy is easy

just so long as you're willing to hold, entertain and/or watch him like a hawk 24/7, of course.

by day three, the invader had pretty much consolidated his complete and utter takeover of the household, and i decided it was time to bring in the enforcer--you know, lay down some rules, establish discipline, show him who's boss.

i'll let you judge for yourself how that went.


Will said...

Sweet. Also the dog.

noblesavage said...

Eight weeks old and he has conquered the household.

Perhaps you are able to express the love and care to Sebastian that perhaps does not always comes so easily to so many of us with people.

That's why you don't realize how much you miss a dog until after your precious rambunctious bundle of energy is gone.

noblesavage said...

It's been a month since your last post guttermorality. Your legions of fans are waiting.

Babe said...

That is one fucking cute puppy. And I'm not usually down with OPD.