Thursday, December 1, 2011

reason #427 why mkf is beloved throughout the blogosphere

with all that's going on in the world, there were weighty matters i was intending to address on this, the first night i've permitted myself alcohol in over a week.  but, for better or worse, i chose to warm up with a little blog-surfing first.

as for what follows, what can i say--in guttermoralityland, the opportunity for a satisfying drunk-comment trumps current events every time.

and will i be appreciated for saving this kid at least two years of expensive therapy?  hell, no--i'm just a lonely voice in the goddam wilderness, goddammit.

[for those who care, the above was provoked by this post and follow-up.]


noblesavage said...

I kept wondering how old is this guy who is having a 20 year old houseguest he calls "a friend."

Either you are around the same age (under 30) and have such houseguests because they are friends....or, well, the alternative instantly gets creepy.

I'm with you on this one.

Babe said...

Liked your comment to the "now I'm Zen" guy. He'll still need the therapy because he's more interested in kvetching that changing - mkf can only illuminate, he cannot transform another.

As for me, I've developed a bitch of a personality as a buffer against houseguests. What I can't understand is why people still like me... oh well, at least most of them don't want to stay with me. So when are you coming out to stay with me? :)

topher said...

your insightful comment led me to your blog and yada yada yada many hours later i am still reading about uncle don, beau, and your alcohol fueled adventures.

Keep the vodka flowing cause i, and i suspect others, enjoy your inebriated typing.

and BTW, what are you doing up at 4:36 AM on a Thursday morning leaving comments on blogs, you may be emulating the habits of the other liquor laureate Bukowski that i suspect worked himself into a passed out stupor by 9:30 in the evening and then would wake up parched and in need of hydration in the pre dawn morning, who finding himself hungover and without the internet as an outlet was forced to start screaming insightful judgement at the person/animal/thing laid out next to him on the floor.

Though i am sure in this instance it is not that at all, I'm just saying, what if?

mkf said...

noblesavage: actually, the blogger in question, if he is to be believed, is himself in his mid-twenties.

babe: i'm afraid if i did, you'd break both my ankles so i couldn't run, and hold me hostage until i designed your kitchen.

topher: nah, i'm a lightweight compared to bukowski, in both alcohol consumption and talent. but thanks for paying me the compliment of spending time on my blog, and for the kind words--i needed to hear them..