Tuesday, March 1, 2011

state of the world

[so on any news channel you turn to today, it's all about how the powers-that-be are circling the wagons and trying to contain the damage before the delusional megalomaniac takes everybody and everything down with him.

and then once the subject of charlie sheen is exhausted, the talk generally turns to qaddafi.]

today the posturing of the western powers vis a vis libya got particularly idiotic--for instance, the british prime minister saying shit like

We must not tolerate this regime using military force against its own people.

and then our own [liberal] secretary of state chiming in with

Nothing is off the table so long as the Libyan government continues to threaten and kill Libyans.

ah yes, the same rationale our previous [conservative] administration trumped up to justify our last great military misadventure (but only as a last resort after the "weapons of mass destruction" and "threat to the region" arguments fell apart, of course).

and as i listen to this latest self-serving bullshit, i wonder if anybody else besides me remembers that these are the self-same western powers that couldn't be bothered to lift a finger when the rwandans and the sudanese and the somalians were all slaughtering each other.

and then i wonder, for maybe the thousandth time, if in my lifetime one of the powers-that-be will ever just finally come out and and say

we're doing it for the goddam oil.

because i, for one, would find the truth a much more compelling argument--hell, i like driving my car.


willam said...

i like to blast I'm in Love With My Car and drive my big fuckin Caddy with all the windows down.

hey i have a funny story i dont' wanna print here. email me noextrai@aol.com

noblesavage said...

Well, Libya is way down the list of oil producers...something like 2 percent of all oil and the Western governments are now openly siding with the protesters. So I do not necessarily agree that is why the governments are supporting the protesters, but it may be while Libya matters more than the other countries. It is at least being discussed.

The real question is what is the U.S. and other countries going to do when protests start in Saudi Arabia? That is the real test. Will the U.S. support the demonstrations or the Saudi royal family that pumps out all of that oil.

It's coming and it will not be pretty.

judi! said...

How long before we bring back the odd/even gas rationing of the early/mid-70s? (and yeah, although I'm the baby here I do remember. And I remember exactly which gas station we would wait at on odd days in one parent's car and even in the other's.)

That said, can we talk about the 'sonogram bill' just passed by the House in Texas? I'd really like to hear what you have to say about the topic.

WAT said...

Oh, but it's just going to get a hell of a lot worse kids. THE COLLAPSE OF THE SYSTEM IS HERE! TO IMPLEMENT SOMETHING MUCH MORE SINISTER!

mkf said...

judi: by this totally off-topic question, i'm taking it you have a problem with the attempted forced humanizing of the fetus before the planned parenthood folks happily suck it down the sink?

judi! said...

I'm assuming that was rhetorical.

I wouldn't have stated it quite that way, but yes.

mkf said...

judi: tellya the truth, i've never quite understood why a group of people who are so indifferent to the plight of unwanted kids once they're born are so hellbent on bringing 'em into the world in the first place, but whatever.

but to answer your question, as appalled as i am by the increasing number of women who seem to view abortion as nothing more than another method of birth control, i think the job of shaming them about it should be society's, not government's. moot point, of course, since (a) we live in a post-shame society; and (b) the damn law is probably unconstitutional anyway.