Tuesday, December 21, 2010

because this is what made me laugh today

According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit of the University of East Anglia, within a few years winter snowfall [in northern europe] will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.

from a march 30, 2000 independent article entitled
"snowfalls are now just a thing of the past"

 as you consider the above quote, from an article similar in its alarmist tone to thousands of others written during the golden age of global-warming hysteria, i invite you to peruse the following images which beautifully capture the weather conditions which are presently paralyzing northern europe:

and then i want all you true believers--you know, those of you who didn't wake up when they had to change the spin from global "warming" to global "climate change"

i.e., those of you who are not laughing along with me

to ask yourselves the following simple question:  if climate scientists can't even accurately predict what the climate's gonna be like in a mere ten years, how could you possibly believe they can tell us where we're gonna be in a hundred?

and then get back to me--i'm waiting.


Will said...

I read a LOT of history so I am aware of temperature swings in Europe during the last two millennia as bad as or worse than what seems to be going on now. I have been wondering for several years if there's an industrial emission crisis or a natural cycle in play here. But something problematic does seem to be going on.

Just here in New Hampshire we've had "hundred year" spring floods for three years in a row. Europe has been hit by monster storms far bigger than usual for several winters running, and by summer heat waves far worse than usual; it has been the same here in the USA. Whether or not these extreme weather events are emission-driven or cyclic, there are enormously destructive forces about that are causing a lot of economic and some social upheavals.

noblesavage said...

Well, let's see. The global warming denier crowd consists of Sen. Tom Colburn (Republican from Oklahoma) and Tom Clancy (the novelist) and a limited number of climatologist.

I ask myself what views I share in common with Dr. Colburn, and I can say pretty much none.

One snowstorm does not a reversal of climate change make. Keep in mind that the average global temperature has only risen a few degrees. That is a big difference, but it does not mean that snow will never fall again.

mkf said...

will and noblesavage: oh, i'm not saying "climate change" isn't happening--it totally is, and at a fairly rapid and alarming rate.

i dunno if it's sunspot activity, or if we're in the beginnings of a mega-cyclical shift into a new weather pattern, or what. my point is, neither does anybody else, and this ridiculous conceit that man can somehow "fix" it is beyond laughable to me.

judi said...

I do believe it's a cyclical shift.

I've missed you guys.

Truly missed you.

Happy Festivus to all.

(ps: my verification word is "hanob". so close, yet so far...ah)