Saturday, July 24, 2010

state of mkf

you know those blogs where people just come on every day and bitch about minor shit that bugs 'em?  i swore i'd never fall into that trap, if for no other reason than because i know from bitter experience that whining about the mundane is basically just asking for the great equalizer to come down on your pussy ass and really give you something to complain about.

case in point:  a week after posting this self-indulgent nonsense, i woke up with what i hoped was only the flu; two days of denial later i'm checking my near-delirious ass into the emergency room at cedars with full-blown pneumonia [fucked up the new car getting there--prolly shoulda called a cab].

ask "why me?" in the ER but nobody has an answer--apparently it's going around.

flat on my back for four days, they're pumping serious, last-resort antibiotics into my veins around the clock and they don't have to tell me the pneumonia's winning, because i know.

[a scary, lonely time--as is my wont, i hadn't told anybody who really cares about me, so it's just me up there in room 7013]

day five: a corner is turned, and i'm suddenly back.

day seven and i'm outta there--i check myself out against my doctor's wishes, telling him i'll take oral antibiotics, decent food and a good night's sleep against one more night in that goddam hospital any day, pack my shit and, after stops at whole foods and rite-aid, drive my newly fucked-up new car home.

day eleven [i.e., today]:  clean bill of health, lungs are clear, back to normal.

and remember the stultifying job i was bitching about so recently?  all i can say now is, thank god for that lovely motherfucker and the health insurance that came with it [and yeah, as soon as i get the bill we'll play another round of "guess the total"--should be at least as entertaining as last time, right?].


judi said...

I won't lie - i was getting concerned when you hadn't commented on 'shining through' and why the next post was vaguely cryptic.

I'm glad you're on the mend.

missed you. (what do you want from my life? i'm a girl, i'm sappy, and i have this extraordinary amount of empathy. weird, i know).

noblesavage said...

Well, a week at Cedars is not my idea of a Summer vacation.

Glad to hear that you are back.

Will said...

Always good to see a new MKF post, particularly when it means you're over the worst.