Monday, April 5, 2010

the early-warning windex test


contrary to what a casual observer of the seemingly random landscape of mkf's cluttered domain on the 26th floor might believe, the dusty half-empty bottle of windex that's been sitting on the back left corner of mkf's credenza for the last five years is there for a good goddam reason, and it served its purpose admirably today.

see, whenever the building starts to move [as it often does], mkf's eyes always flash straight to that windex bottle--if the level of the blue liquid stays mostly calm [as it mostly always does], then so does mkf.

if, on the other hand, mkf is all alone on easter sunday on the 26th floor and the building starts to move and the blue liquid in that bottle suddenly starts to slosh wildly back and forth as it did today...

whatever--whether or not bracing myself in the reinforced-steel doorway of my office woulda really saved me had it been the big one, it was kinda nice hearing from virtually every non-californian i know today asking me if i was ok, ya know?


noblesavage said...

I, too, was in a tall building on rollers yesterday and I gotta tell you, it kept rolling and rolling and rolling.

It wasn't giant jolts (Northridge), but it was all that rolling.

Scared me too. Not really been too scared in any other earthquakes before.

Kudos to guttermorality for the remaining calm.

mkf said...

noblesavage: i actually thought about you dashing across your office to catch your toppling guadalupe--because she's there, right?