Friday, December 18, 2009

the angry blogger, part 3

[part 2 to come--sorry, i'm feeling a little tarantino-ish.]

you know that old, hackneyed serenity prayer the alkies cling to--the one that importunes god for the ability to accept that which one can't change, the balls to change that which is in one's power to effect, and the smarts to know which is which?

well, if i were suddenly granted three wishes by the universe, that would damn sure be one of 'em.

from as far back as i can remember i have railed endlessly and impotently against all the idiots out there, since that's easier than facing down the idiot in here

[which self-awareness puts me at least a half-step ahead of all those other angry bloggers, right?].


noblesavage said...

So you know that you are angry. That is good, you are better than anyone who watches Fox news.

The next logical question is why are you so angry?

Answer that and you will be ahead of most everyone...except happy people.

mkf said...

noblesavage: while i don't yet have all the answers as to why i'm so goddam mad, i've at least figured out who i'm really mad at, thus still putting me ahead of most everyone.

Will said...

Maybe more than a half step because you're probably more intelligent and articulate than they.