Saturday, September 26, 2009

my life (and probably yours) explained in a paragraph

so tonight i'm sipping my cocktail while trolling around some taoist website trying to find the secret to that elusive yin-yang balance in all things, and i come across the following:

yeah, thanks for clearing that up.

* * * * *

[in the spirit of balance, i suppose i should mention that this was followed by a similar-yet-opposite paragraph explaining how an excess of yin energy compels lesbians to collect cats and buy subaru four-wheel-drive vehicles, but that's a post for somebody else's blog.]


Will said...

This is not to contradict you because I agree with everything you say. There's a kind of looking for love in all the wrong places--and/or in all the wrong ways--syndrome in the gay world.

I found THE man at a gay men's erotic massage workshop, naked, lying on a massage table with a cock in each hand and a lovely pair of French blue eyes looking down on me. Our first date was just under a week later and we broke every "rule"--not only did we have sex on the first date, we had sex at the beginning of the first date and went on from there. We're up to twelve and a half years now and we're in it, happily, for the long haul. So it can work even if it's rare--we seem to have had an intuition about each other from the start.

mkf said...

will: yeah, but you and fritz are a statistical anomaly, both of you being stable and well-adjusted and all ;)

noblesavage said...

Yeah, the Ying/Yang thing is an interesting argument for gay instability.

Eat more yams and other grounding root vegetables.

Or one guy can take the lead and be the butch one, the other the feminine one.

Or you can, perhaps, be a more balanced person yourself with more masculine AND feminine energy than most straights can muster and therefore less of a need to find balance in another.

mkf said...

noblesavage: so what you're telling me is, i shouldn't have thrown out that barbie doll when i was six? damn.