Tuesday, August 4, 2009

weekend update

the best thing i can say is that at least the mornings-after were relatively bright-eyed and regret-free for a change.  maybe we'll go another week.


noblesavage said...

As I got older and more respectable, I also got up earlier. So, I try to get a lot done before noon. I just find it much more productive.

I feel more motivated first thing in the morning as well. That fire starts to fade if I have to work into the evening.

At least for me, I find I am more disciplined when I do things first in the day and then relax in the evening before bed at 10 or so.

It's probably more boring that most people, but I find that it works for me.

It may be that you think you are going to miss something. It may also be that you are just bored...and really boredom makes us do lots of stupid things.

Boring is underrated.

noblesavage said...

Well...it's a week later. How has it been going?

mkf said...

noblesavage: about as well as could be expected without alcoholic enhancement, but thanks for asking.