Friday, July 17, 2009

i know that's how they think, but i still can't believe one of 'em actually said it


at first, i thought, "nah, couldn't be," and wrote it off as mere drudge sensationalism--until, that is, i actually clicked on the link, read the story and found that, yup, that is indeed what the man said.

you may have noticed that this blog has been light on political commentary lately--it's not that i no longer care; on the contrary, it's because i'm so demoralized by how quickly things are going down the toilet, how criminally inept our leaders are, and how little the american people seem to care, that it's taken the wind outta my sails to the point that i hardly see the point of even objecting anymore.

but this?  this fucking out-orwells orwell.

in response to this idiocy, i've got another quote for you:

"we're heading for national insolvency. . . . if you can't see at this point where we are and where we're going, you have an emotional block--you can't handle the truth--and you need professional therapy."

pick your quote--if the above biden-speak (along with everything else coming outta washington these days) gives you comfort in these troubling times, then there's really nothing else i can say to you.

if, on the other hand, the second quote resonates with you in even the slightest way, i urge you to take half an hour and listen to what else its author had to say this week--his name is dave mcalvany, he's been at least a half-step ahead of this mess since it began, and his weekly commentary has become must-listening for me every wednesday afternoon.

look out for yourselves, people, because--forget what those bastards in washington and new york are telling you--the real shit has yet to hit the fan.


WAT said...

So true man. So very f**ckng true. This country is so broke it's ridiculous, yet no one seems to want to hear/believe it. As long as their favorite TV shows are on the air, as long as ESPN is on, as long as it all is seemingly okay, this economic recession we are in will all get better with Jesus...ER, OBAMA in power.

BULLSHIT! The dollar is finished, we are so far beyond bankrupt, and the worse is truly yet to come. Our leaders have blatantly and even more so will continue to steal and don't give a f*ck if we starve. It's going to be like it was before THE FRENCH REVOLUTION all over again...

mkf said...

wat: i'm glad i have at least one choir-member to preach to ;)