Thursday, April 16, 2009

mkf posts a comment

doesn't really matter which blog, or which topic--tonight, for whatever reason, i'd suddenly had enough, so i posted the following:

you know, whenever [insert gay/leftist blogger here] throws fresh meat like [insert middle-america-bashing topic here] into the pit and i sample the resulting comments, i generally find they're of the sort that most of you faggots would bend over backwards to get hate-speech laws passed to prevent the other side from making about us.

in other words, you guys are no better than the people you hate.

i'm posting this here tonight because it pretty much sums up everything i've ever tried to say in this blog regarding my feelings about the extremists screaming at us from both edges.

in other words: shut the fuck up, all of you.

sober update: perhaps a better title might've been "screaming from the middle."


LMB said...

Well! I never!

mkf said...

luis: yeah, i'm sure i offended your delicate sensibilities no end with this one.

j said...

i'm hesitant to say it, but isn't this how all *rational* people should think.

And if we're not, then by decuctive reasoning, we're not rational.

where, exactly, does that leave us?

mkf said...

here's the thing, j (since even though you're obviously smart, you're apparently new to the game):

since the gay left has self-righteously and successfully labeled all of its opposition as "homophobic" (whether they are or not, it really doesn't matter to them), then, far as they're concerned, the normal rules don't apply to themselves anymore--they can say whatever they want, because they're righteously justified; whereas whatever position the opposition takes is automatically labeled as "homophobic," and therefore sub-human and not worthy of notice, much less legitimate response.

see how that works?

judi said...

mhmmm...did i fail to mention that it was me, judi...

mkf said...

oh. whatever--comment still works.

judi said...

selfishly, i love that you know i'm "obviously smart" even when you don't know it's me personally.

maybe i've been lucky in that nekkid go-go boys at OCH don't really want to discuss politics. :)

and you had no idea that 'j' was me? really?

Will said...

Your point's a good one, as you obviously know. When a segment of the gay population buys into the ever-increasing polarization ethic that's become dominant in the political "discourse"--read shouting match--we've endured for the last couple of decades, we cease to be a valid and effective voice for ourselves.

mkf said...

judi (or j): it's true--i was clueless, which is far from rare here in guttermoralityland.

will: as you've rightly noted, this phenomenon of anger/polarization is far from unique to the gay community (such as it is), but since they're my people--and they're the ones i expect the most of--they're the ones who get my focused attention.