Monday, March 31, 2008

a recently-recovered memory (or, why i still love los angeles, part 1)


sunny saturday morning maybe fifteen years ago, i hit a yard sale in west hollywood--one of those countless little stucco bungalows on harper or sweetzer or la jolla or wherever. anyway, i pick up this old sony pro walkman marked $10 and, while debating whether to buy it, one of the two women conducting the sale--attractive, early-to-mid-thirties--says, in passing, "i dunno if you remember 'the knack', but their frontman wrote all the songs for their first album on that little machine--it's a good buy."

having lived here long enough to have developed an immunity to such bullshit, i think, "yeah, right," set it down, prepare to move on. it's at this moment that the woman's friend yells from across the yard, "hey, sharona--how much you want for this lamp?"

i still have that pro walkman in a box somewhere.


Anonymous said...


(Yeah, I got nothin' this morning)

Anonymous said...

well....I can attest as to the story as I remember you purchasing the thing and saying the exact same thing that day.

Although, as I remember it, she introduced herself to any case, I do know Sharona sealed the deal with you.

mkf said...

for some reason, the subject of "the knack" came up during an aim chat the other night, and this incident came back to me.

and yeah, i think i did end up having a conversation with her--i think she told me she was a realtor, but for the life of me i can't remember for sure.